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Research on Production Process Control Method Combined Stochastic Process Algebra and Stochastic Petri Nets

摘要:A hierarchical closed-loop production control scheme integrating scheduling,control and performance evaluation is discussed.Firstly,the production process is divided into two main hierarchies:the lower level is the physical operation level and the upper one is the management level.Secondly,the schedule template for the management level and the activity template for the physical operation level are constructed separately,the tasks in the schedule have the ability to make partial decisions,and the per- formance parameters are introduced into activity template.Thirdly,the two levels use different model representations:stochastic process algebra for the management level whose output is the control commands and stochastic Petri net for the physical operation lev- el which is the execution of the control commands.Then,the integration of the two levels is the control commands mapping into the lower physical operations and the responses feeding back to the upper decision-making that are defined by some transition functions. Under the proposed scheme,the production process control of a flexible assembly is exemplified.It is concluded that the process con- trol model has partial ability to make decision on-line for uncertain and dynamic environments and facilitates reasoning about the be- haviors of the process control,and performance evaluation can be done online for real-time scheduling to ensure the global optimiza- tion.







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