线上期刊服务咨询,期刊咨询:400-808-1701 订阅咨询:400-808-1721

Circular Interpolation Algorithms of 5-Axis Simultaneous CNC System

摘要:Spatial circular arc can be machined conveniently by a 5-axis NC machine tool.Based on the data sampling method,circular interpolation in two-dimensional plane is discussed briefly.The key is to solve the problem of circular center ex- pressed in the workpiece coordinate system by means of the transformation matrix.Circular interpolation in three-dimensional space is analyzed in detail.The method of undetermined coefficient is used to solve the center of the spatial circle and the method of coor- dinate transformation is used to transform the spatial circle into the XY-plane.Circular arc in three-dimensional space can be ma- chined by the positional 5-axis machining and the conical surface can be machined by the continuous 5-axis machining.The velocity control is presented to avoid the feedrate fluctuation.The interpolation algorithms are tested by a simulation example and the inter- polation algorithms are proved feasible.The algorithms are applied to the 5-axis CNC system software.







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