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李彬 中国实用医刊 2010年第11期

摘要:目的 评价研究MSCT多期薄层扫描技术在早期胰腺癌中临床应用诊断价值及其临床意义价值分析.方法 回顾性分析66例行MSCT多期薄层扫描的早期胰腺癌患者并经过手术和病理证实,经MSCT多期薄层扫描比较正常胰腺组织和肿瘤在平扫和多期扫描中的增强变化,依照CT影像学征象诊断胰腺癌并行手术前评估,并与手术结果相比较.结果 早期胰腺癌的直接征象是胰腺内弱强化肿块,间接征象是胰、胆管扩张,胰体尾部萎缩及胰腺轮廓改变. 结论 MSCT多期薄层扫描技术使得胰腺的早期定性诊断和治疗有了明显的改善,是发现早期胰腺癌的最佳扫描方法. Abstract: Objective Appraisement research MSCT expect the scanning technology of thin layer to diagnose value and its clinical meaning in early pancreas cancer. Methods Retrospective analysis 42 patients which was routine MSCT in early stage of many issue scannings of thin layer, pancreas cancer patients confirms via operation and pathology, go through MSCT expect the scanning of thin layer to compare normal pancreas organization and the strengthening change of tumor in being flat to sweep and expect scanning, according to CT the former sign diagnosis pancreas cancer parallel operation assessment of an image, and was compared with operation result appearance. Results In early stage, the direct sign of pancreas cancer was the weak reinforced phyma in pancreas, indirect sign was pancreas, the pipe expansion of gall bladder, pancreas body tail atrophy and pancreas outline change.Conclusions MSCT many issue scannings of thin layer make early stage of pancreas determine the nature to diagnose and treat to have got obvious improvement, it is the best scanning method of discovery early pancreas cancer.







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