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贾向波 钱如林 江南 Xiang-bo Ru-lin 中国实用医刊 2010年第16期

摘要:目的 总结颈入路电视纵隔镜检查术在胸部疾病诊断中的应用体会.方法 17例均在全身麻醉下行颈入路完成,其中单纯纵隔结节或肿物需要明确诊断者13例,确诊为肺癌伴有纵隔淋巴结肿大需明确临床病理分期者4例.结果 17例经过纵隔镜手术的病例均成功取得需要检测的组织,活检成功率100%.最终病理结果包括结节病6例,肺癌纵隔淋巴结转移5例,结核3例,淋巴瘤2例,慢性淋巴结炎1例.结论 电视纵隔镜在纵隔不明原因肿物的诊断和肺癌术前准确分期的临床应用中是一种安全、有效的重要手段. Abstract: Objective To summarize the application of cervical mediastinoscopy in the diagnosis of thoracopathy. Methods Seventeen patients were treated with video-assisted mediastinoscopy through neck-way surgery, including 13 cases with sole mediastinal nodule or mass,of which the pathologic diagnosis was warranted;4 cases diagnosed as lung cancer with enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes,of which the clinical stage needed to be clarified. Results Tissue for detailed examination was obtained for all of the 17 cases underwent mediastinoscopy.The successful rate for biopsy was 100%.The final pathologic diagnosis were 6 cases of sarcoidosis, 5 cases of lymph node metastasis from lung cancer, 3 cases of tuberculosis, 2 cases of lymphoma, 1 cases of the chronic lymph node inflammation. Conclusions Video-assisted mediastinoscopy is safe and useful in diagnosing of sole mediastinal mass and clarifying the pathologic stage of patients with lung cancer.







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