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王彬 李伟 周希山 Xi-shan 中国实用医刊 2010年第17期

摘要:目的 比较放射治疗联合紫杉醇加顺铂同步或序贯化疗治疗局部晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者的疗效及不良反应.方法 将67例Ⅲ期NSCLC患者随机分成两组,同步放化疗组于放疗第1天即同时开始化疗,序贯放化疗组于入组后先给予化疗4个周期,再单独给予放疗.结果 近期有效率同步放化疗组为80.6%, 序贯放化疗组为55.6%(χ2 =5.74, P =0.02).同步放化疗组血液学毒性与放射性食管炎较序贯放化疗组严重,但经治疗后患者大多能耐受.结论 放射治疗联合紫杉醇加顺铂化疗同步治疗局部晚期非小细胞肺癌的疗效优于序贯应用,虽然不良反应增加但可耐受. Abstract: Objective To compare the efficacy and toxicities of concurrent chemoradiation(radiotherapy combined with PTX and DDP) with sequence chemoradiation(chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy) in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC). Methods Sixty-seven patients with stage Ⅲ NSCLC were randomly divided into two groups. Concurrent chemoradiation group, chemotherapy started at the first day of radiotherapy, sequence group, four cycles chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy alone. Results Short time response rate(CR+PR) in concurrent group was 80.6%, 55.6% in sequence group(χ2=5.74,P=0.02). Hematology toxicities and radioactive esophagitis were much more severe than those in sequence group, however, most patients could tolerate after treatment.Conclusions Although more tolerated toxicities, concurrent chemoradiation(radiotherapy combined with PTX and DDP) is better than sequence chemoradiation(chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy) in locally advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma.


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